Telepass: Emergency Procedures

If you encounter an OBU malfunction, indicated by a gate not opening, red LED, error message, no beeps emitted, or four beeps emitted, it’s mandatory to follow the Emergency Procedures specific to the toll domain you’re currently traveling in. These procedures are designed to minimize potential fines and ensure a smooth passage through the toll booth. Easytrip has readily available resources to guide you through this process.

Easytrip: Your Dedicated Support Partner

Should you encounter an OBU malfunction, Easytrip is here to help. Simply provide Easytrip with the relevant information, and our team will work diligently with Telepass to resolve the issue on your behalf. This eliminates the need for you to navigate complex communication channels.

Preserving Vital Information:

Please do not remove the back label placed on your OBU. This label contains crucial information that may be required for troubleshooting malfunctions specific to certain toll domains. By preserving this label, you enable Easytrip to assist you more effectively.

Information per countries


To avoid fines in Austria, our customer should always follow the below instructions:

1. Before a journey:

  • Set the number of axles, as indicated on the User Manual. In case that axles are not properly set the customer will be subject to fines completely at his charge.
  • Store the Vehicle Declaration inside the vehicle (or in PDF). The Vehicle Declaration is always sent to the customer together with the User Manual in case of requests for GO Services. It also available on the Telepass Dealer Portal. The customer must also always check the correctness of the data. In case the data on the document does not correspond to the vehicle, the customer will be subject to fines completely at his charge.


2. During a journey – Driver’s obligations:

  • Always check the OBU positioning all the time, otherwise it cannot be guaranteed the payment of the toll. He must always pay attention to the acoustic signals:

– 1 x Beep = Transaction OK (toll paid based on the number of axles and the stored EURO emission category)

– 2 x Beeps = Transit recorded but battery dying or contract expiring, contact your local dealer

– 4 x Beeps = Transaction is not OK, no payment

– No beeps = transaction is not OK, no payment

NB: in case of no beeps or 4 beeps emitted, as per user manual, even if the LED is green the emergency procedure must be followed. If not followed, the customer will risk fines which Telepass will not be held responsible for.


3. In case of no payment:

In case of no payment (so, if the device did 4 or no beeps – or if the OBU/service is not active) the customer must follow the emergency procedure:

  • He needs to exit the Austrian Network and go to the closest GO Point of Sale. In this case, it is possible to retroactively pay the toll within 5 hours and 100 km from the Portal where the transaction has not been properly acquired. He needs to present the Vehicle Declaration and a valid payment method, that could be a credit card or a fuel card. It is not possible to retroactively pay with the Telepass OBU or with a debit card. The list of the fuel and credit card accepted by Asfinag is available at the following link: pagg. 7-9).
  • In case of OBU notworking, the customer needs to request an alternative payment method to keep travelling in Austria. So, in case the OBU is not functioning anymore, the user will must request a GO Box provided by Asfinag at the GO Point of Sale.

Important: it is necessary that one transaction has correctly been acquired in order to be able to pay the toll retroactively. If no transactions are made Asfinag provides the only solution of taking a Go Box.

Important: Even if the LED is green, in case of no beeps /4 beeps the driver should follow the emergency procedure.

In case the gate does not open in:

Flag-of-Italy Italy

Plate Number Photo: In case of OBU malfunctioning a picture of the vehicle’s license plate is taken and an RMPP (Request for non-payment) is sent to the vehicle’s owner. The RMPP can be paid online on Autostrade per l’Italia website, or it can be charged on the Telepass Account.

Flag-of-France France and LFK Tunnel

Sticker on OBU: In case of OBU malfunctioning at the gate, the driver can directly contact the operator that, by scanning the bar code on the OBU label, will allow the customer to manually pay the toll.

Flag-of-Spain  Spain

Sticker on OBU: In case of OBU malfunctioning at the gate, the driver can directly contact the operator that, by scanning the bar code on the OBU label, will allow the customer to manually pay the toll.

Flag-of-Portugal Portugal

When a customer with an authorized OBU uses a toll in Portugal, he should always use the lanes marked with a “V” symbol, that represents Via Verde lanes, that are specific for electronic tolling and have no barriers.                   

If the client has an OBU authorized to be used in Portugal with the respective License Plate correctly stored on it, in case of OBU malfunctions the customer doesn’t need to do anything, because through photo-tolling the transaction will be associated to his OBU and charged on the Telepass Account. In this case no outstanding payments will exist, as all transactions recorded will be charged through the OBU.

If the License Plate is not stored on the OBU, the customer will have a pending debt to the respective road Concessionaire, as the transaction will be treated as an infraction because no valid OBU was possible to be recognized (was not read in the toll and there is not information on OBU-License Plate association).

If the client doesn’t have an OBU or the right License Plate is not stored on the OBU, then it is advisable to consult the Concessionaires of the roads where he travelled. Via Verde has a website in partnership with the Concessionaires that can be used to search for pending debt: (it is available in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French and allows to pay most of the transactions or gives you instructions for the ones that you cannot pay there).


The customer must exit from the German Networks and use the Toll Collect alternative payment methods to pay the toll. The available options are the following:

– manually booking via online log-on, using the Toll Collect APP

– pay at a Toll Collect Toll Station Terminal

Flag-of-DenmarkFlag-of-SwedenFlag-of-Norway Scandinavia 

In case of OBU malfunctioning, to pay the toll on the Storebaelt Bridge and the Øresund Bridge, the customer needs to show the Vehicle Declaration –the document that is produced and sent together with the OBU (also available on Telepass Dealer Portal).


For all the other routes, please refer to the below table:

CountryWhereAction if problemAlternativePost action
DenmarkGreat belt bridgePush help button and present vehicle declaration* to service personalDrive directly in manual lane and present vehicle declarationContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction
Denmark/SwedenOresunds bridgePush help button and present vehicle declaration* to service personalDrive directly in manual lane and present vehicle declarationContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction
Sweden/NorwaySvinesunds connectionNo action needed, license plate are read and the toll shall be charged as normal with some delayN/AContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction
NorwayToll roads, bridges and tunnelsNo action needed, license plate are read and the toll shall be charged as normal with some delayN/AContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction
NorwayBasto fosen ferryNo action needed, license plate are read and the toll shall be charged as normal with some delayN/AContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction
NorwayFlakk-Rorvik ferryHave to pay full price onboard the ferryContact the OBE issuer for further investigation of malfunction

Flag-of-Belgium  Belgium 

If the customer is in Belgium and the OBU has a malfunctioning (red LED or no LED) it means that he cannot pay the toll. Therefore, he must call the Telepass Call Center to the free number 080081449(free number from Belgium). If the customer is instead about to enter in Belgium and has problems with the OBU he can call the Telepass Call Center to the toll number +39 Both numbers are active 24/7 for English, German and Italian; for French, Spanish and Polish is available from Monday to Sunday from 6 am to 10 pm.

A toll-free number from Germany is now also available: 08001090191.

If the operator cannot solve the problem, he will inform the customer and register the Technical Problem event –which deactivates the Belgium service and allows the customer to get another mean of payment without getting a fine. The operator will then direct the customer to the nearest Satellic Point in order get another mean of payment of the toll. Starting from the moment when the Technical Problem is registered, the customer has 3 hours to get a Satellic device and he will not receive any fines during this period.

Once the customer get the Satellic device at the Service Point, he is not allowed to travel with 2 OBUs on the same vehicle. Therefore, the malfunctioning Telepass OBU must be kept turned off, unloaded, shielded or stored in the Telepass Screen Box.

Flag-of-Switzerland  Switzerland

When the Swiss/Liechtenstein borders are crossed, the driver must ensure that the Telepass OBU has the Swiss service as active, and that the device is properly functioning (green LED). In particular, please note that the driver is responsible for:

– checking the presence of the OBU in the right vehicle

– checking whether the OBU properly works during the entire journey or not-checking the axles settings.

It is essential that in the system at the time of the order the minimum number of axles as in the vehicle registration certificate, and that before entering Switzerland the current number of axles is registered on the OBU. It is not allowed to register the maximum number of axles in the system at the time of the order.


In case of any issues, the driver must follow the emergency procedure:

1. Entry Procedure for Switzerland/LiechtensteinVehicle Registration:

The drivers of foreign vehicles subject to the LSVA must declare the vehicle at a Customs Office (UD) for registration. For this purpose, the UD issues a registration form to be completed according to the vehicle documents. All necessary data, such as weights and emission class, must be provided. Then a vehicle specific identification card (ID-Card) is issued to the driver, which will allow him to pay the LSVA without using the Telepass SAT device.

2. Leaving Procedure for Switzerland/Liechtenstein –Vehicle Registration:

The driver must inform UD if during the journey OBU loses its detectability. No further actions are necessary.

If the customer detects an issue on the OBU once he already entered in Switzerland, the customer, when arriving at the border, he must stop at the UD before leaving Switzerland. At that point, he just needs to provide the details of when /where the trip started, together with the data vehicle, and then the trip will be charged via the Telepass SAT (no ticket to pay).

However, please consider that if the customer does not stop at the exit after an issue occurred in Swiss territory, he will not receive a fine, but the Toll Charger will charge on the Telepass device the trip based on their data (which could not be correct and matching the section driven). In this case, no claims can be submitted by the customer regarding the charged amount.

3. Payment of the LSVA to the Treatment Terminal (TT):

TT are installed at all UDs open to Heavy Weight Vehicles. In case of malfunctioning, at each entry the driver must go to a TT to declare the entry with the ID-Card, indicating the Km and the status of the trailer.

Below a list of the accepted payment methods:

– Fuel Card

– LSVA Account

– Via an Account previously opened by the Vehicle Owner with the AFD (Federal Custom Administration)

– Cash payment

– Debit and credit cards (i.e. Maestro or VISA)

At the end of the procedure, the TT shall print a receipt in duplicate which must be on board of the vehicle throughout the entire journey and that should be presented in case of controls.

Flag-of-Hungary  Hungary

In case of OBU malfunctioning’s in Hungary, the driver must stop and purchase a Route ticket (section “New route ticket”) on Hu-Go website at the following link: The registration is not required to proceed with the purchase and there is no need of a Hu-Go Account. To purchase a Route ticket, the customer will have to enter:

– LPN and Nationality

– Axles number of the vehicle

– Euro Class

– Details of the vehicle

– Route details (start/end location)

– Credit card payment data

– Invoicing data

Flag-of-bulgaria  Bulgaria 

In case of OBU malfunctioning in Bulgaria, the customer must take a pre-payment directly on the Toll pass website, buying a Route Pass. No registration is needed to proceed with the purchase, that can be made at the following link:

In order to purchase a Route Pass the customer will have to enter:

– LPN and Nationality

– Weight

– Euro Class

– Details of the vehicle

– Declaration stating whether the vehicle is carrying dangerous or perishable goods

– Route details (start/end location)

– Credit card number

Flag-of-Poland Poland A4

 Plate Number Photo: In case of malfunctioning of the OBU entering and exiting the A4, the system works as a “stop and go”, therefore if the OBU is not read the picture is taken and the bar is raised, and the transactions are charged on the Telepass Account. For further rules of conduct, customers are required to consult, before travelling on Stalexport Malopolska S.A., the website

Flag-of-Poland Poland A1

In case of malfunctioning at the entry, you need to collect the ticket and pay the toll at the exit using Shell Card, credit card or cash. In case of malfunctioning at the exit, you need to ask the staff for help. If the staff founds the plate on the white list, raises the barrier. Alternatively, you can pay the toll with Shell Card, credit card or cash.

Flag-of-Poland Poland KAS

in case of OBU malfunctioning in Poland (section covered by the service e-Toll Poland), there are two possible procedures to follow:

1- via Toll PL APPIn case of malfunctioning of the OBU it is necessary to follow the below steps to avoid penalties:

– Install the e-Toll PL APP (available both on iOS and Android)

– Obtain the verification code in the APP and use it to register the APP in the e-Toll Portal

– Activate the APP as a new OBU/OBE on e-Toll PortalFor more details, please refer to the Poland KAS Manual presentation and to the link:

2- Via “Complete your Journey” option

In case of malfunctioning of the OBU or of the APP e-Toll PL, on the e-Toll Portal it is also possible to use the function “Complete your Journey”, that allows the payment of the toll for the route concerned. To proceed it is not necessary to deactivate the Polish OBU ID from the vehicle on e-Toll Portal, but it will be sufficient to select the starting point of the journey (i.e. where the OBU stopped working) and the end point. By clicking on “Register your travel”, the amount will be automatically calculated and charged to the account according to the previous payment method set. For further details, please refer to the link:

Flag-of-Croatia  Croatia 

In case of malfunction of the Telepass device at the entrance, the customer must collect a ticket. At the exit, the customer must call the assistance showing the Telepass device and the ticket taken at the entrance. If the Telepass device does not work at the exit, the customer must call the assistance on the track. The assistance, both in case of malfunction at the entrance and at the exit, will verify the operation of the device and, if working, the transit (and any discounts) will be assigned to the OBU Telepass.

flag of slovakia  Slovakia

 In the event that the Telepass device malfunctions in Slovakia (e.g. in the case of non-communication with portals), it is essential that the driver stops immediately and contacts Telepass customer service at + 39 06 89 41 63 33 (H24, 7/7 for Italian, English and German – From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7/7 for Polish, French, Spanish) providing at least the following information: license plate number, nationality, OBU ID, location and destination of journey. The destination of journey is needed to identify the nearest POS point which is on the same direction of travel:

− If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, the call center operator will provide a code to the user and will direct the user to the nearest Myto distribution point. The user is required to follow the indicated route to avoid penalties and to provide the Myto operator with the code received by the call center. The code has to be provided in case of enforcement as well;

− At the Myto distribution point, the user must provide himself with a domestic device to be able to continue the journey, paying a deposit in cash or by bank card and topping up his “domestic user” prepaid account;

− The non-functioning OBU should be placed in a shielding box/enclosure to prevent device communication;

− Only after leaving Slovak territory or reactivating the Telepass device, the user will be able to return the domestic device, with the deposit returned;

− It is necessary to pay any fines no later than 15 days after receipt.

flag of the Slovenia  Slovenia

In case of OBU malfunctioning in Slovenia, the customer must stop at the nearest DarsGo point (map available at the following link: and make a retroactive payment or equip himself with a DarsGo replacement device.


flag of Denmark  Denmark

In case of OBU malfunction, the driver must stop immediately and purchase a “Digital Kilometer Toll ticket” (also known as KmToll Ticket or Route ticket):

– The ticket purchase will only be possible online at the following link:

– The only payment method allowed will be a credit card

– For non-Danish registered vehicles, at the time of purchasing a KmToll ticket, information on the CO2 emission class and the truck’s F1 weight will be required.

– The Route Ticket solution cannot be activated retroactively, and no grace period is provided for ticket purchase.


Telepass: Fine management

This information is designed to help you avoid fines related to On-Board Unit (OBU) malfunctions. It also outlines the procedure to follow if you receive a fine despite taking the necessary precautions.


What to Do if Your OBU Malfunctions

If your OBU malfunctions and displays a red LED, no LED, and/or an error message, it’s crucial to follow the emergency procedure specific to the toll domain you’re currently traveling in. This emergency procedure is designed to prevent fines.


Telepass Hotline Assistance

The Telepass Hotline is available to assist you if your OBU malfunctions. They can provide information on the OBU service status and remind you of the emergency procedure to follow in your current location.

  • Inside Belgium: 080081449 (Free number)
  • Outside of Belgium: +39
  • Hours of Operation:
    • 24/7 for Italian, English, and German speakers.
    • 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM for Polish, French, and Spanish speakers. (7 days a week)


How to Handle a Fine

If you receive a fine, follow these steps to assess the situation and determine if you can claim a refund:

  1. Gather Documentation: Collect all documents related to the fine, including details like your license plate number, date and time of the infraction, reason for the fine, and the amount.
  2. Contact us: Provide the complete documentation to your Operations Team.


Possible OBU Statuses and Corresponding Actions:

  • NO GO Status (Red LED, Error Message, No/4 Beeps):
    • If your OBU was in NO GO status with a red LED, error message, or abnormal beeps (no beep or 4 beeps), you were required to follow the emergency procedure to avoid fines. Unfortunately, Telepass cannot provide a refund in this case.
  • OFF Status (Cable Disconnected):
    • The user manual strictly advises against disconnecting the OBU cable. If you receive a fine due to a disconnected cable, Telepass cannot provide a refund.
  • GO Status (Green LED, Confirmed Tolling):
    • If your OBU displayed a green LED and successfully registered tolls at the time of the fine, you should dispute the fine directly with the issuing authority. Refer to the instructions on the fine document and provide them with the Telepass technical analysis for reference.
  • NO GO Status (Green LED, No Visible Issues):
    • In this scenario, the OBU malfunction wasn’t apparent to the driver, making it impossible to follow the emergency procedure. In this case Telepass will process a refund for the fine.


Possible reasons for fines

Toll domainIncorrect data registered in the system: plate, weight, axles, VIN, euro classNo tolling (OBU NO GO)No tolling (OBU OFF)Wrong axles setting on the OBUWrong weight category setting on the OBU
France + LFKXXX
Poland A4XXX

Important Notes:


Even with a green LED, if your OBU emits no beeps or 4 beeps, follow the emergency procedure as outlined in the user manual.

Flag-of-Belgium  Belgium

Submitting the FOAD (Fine and OBU Analysis Document) is only required for claiming fines in Belgium if the OBU malfunctioned during the infraction. You can make the claim directly to the Belgian authorities with the FOAD delivered to you by your Easytrip Representative. For all other cases (such as correctly functioning OBU or OBU off) the FOAD is no longer necessary, and the claim can be made personally by submitting the Telepass template containing the technical response. Administrative matters in this case can be complicated, so if you want to maintain peace of mind, use our fee-based Belgium Fines service. We’ll handle the entire process while you focus on your business.

Flag-of-Hungary  Hungary

Always update vehicle data first in the Telepass system before making changes on the Hu-Go portal. Modifications made solely on Hu-Go can lead to misalignment and subsequent fines for which Telepass cannot be held responsible.

Telepass K1 Devices:

If you change the license plate on your vehicle with a Telepass K1 device, the number of axles and weight category will reset to default settings in the system. Remember to update these details manually after changing the license plate.


By following these guidelines and taking timely action in case of OBU malfunctions, you can minimize your risk of receiving fines and ensure a smooth journey throughout Europe.


If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.