zev per toll domain

Zero Emission Vehicles per Toll domain from 2024

Published on 05.14.2024, by Martina PAGLIARANI

What is the meaning of ZEV? 

Zero Emissions Engine (ZEV) are vehicles that does not emit exhaust gas or other pollutants while driving from the onboard source of power. This makes them a cleaner alternative to traditional gasoline-powered trucks and contributes to reducing gas emissions.

Which engines are on the ZEV list? 

The most Common engines included in this list are:

Battery, solar, hydrogen, combined-hydrogen-electric, fuel-cell-hydrogen, hybrid-hydrogen-external-battery, hybrid-fuel-cell-hydrogen, hybrid-fuel-cell-hydrogen-external-battery and electric-external

An Overview of the different rules and discounts in Europe for ZEV

This is a list of the rules per toll domain: 

  • Austria: ZEVs must be registered with one of the zero-emission vehicle engine types, according to Table 1. 
    ZEVs are categorized as CO2-Class = 5, with a separate tariff.
  • Belgium Liefkenshoek: No rules for ZEV.
  • Belgium Viapass: ZEVs are assigned to a proprietary Euro-Emission-Class = “14” with a separate tariff.
    NB: OBU mandatory in all region but will be paying zero cents/km in Flanders, paying in regions Brussels and Wallonia.
  • Bulgaria: Discounts for electric vehicles based on manual registration process. Discounts for CNG and LNG vehicles based on manual registration process.
  • DKbri Öresund: No rules for ZEV.
  • Dkbri Storebaelt: “Green discount” is granted to ZEV (hydrogen and electric) and Euro-6 vehicles.
  • France: No rules for ZEV. CNG and LNG vehicles give discounts at Toll Charger Atlandes.
  • Germany: ZEVs must be registered with one of the zero-emission vehicle engine types, according to Table 1. ZEVs are categorized as CO2-Class = 5, with a separate tariff.
    NB: Zero-emission vehicles with CO2 class 5 are exempted until 31.12.2025.
  • Hungary: ZEVs must be registered with one of the zero-emission vehicle engine types, according to Table 1. ZEV (and low-emission vehicles) have separate tariffs (in addition to tariffs for Euro-0 to Euro-6).
  • Italy: Electric vehicles get 30% discount at Toll Charger BreBeMi and TEEM. LNG vehicles get 30% discount at Toll Charger BreBeMi and TEEM.
  • Poland: No rules for ZEV.
  • Portugal: No rules for ZEV.
  • Slovakia: No rules for ZEV.
  • Spain: ZEV (except 4+ axles trucks) get discounts on selected toll roads.
    NB: Catalonia is the only region where discounts for green vehicles are applied. The applied discounts are -75% for electric and hydrogen vehicles and -30% for low-emissions ones.
  • Switzerland: No rules for ZEV.


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