Toll payment in Serbia

Our comprehensive toll solutions to drive in Serbia

Toll payment in Serbia

Our comprehensive toll solutions to drive in Serbia

Benefit from our solutions for your toll payments in Serbia – we’ve got the solution you need for your HGVs!

Discover efficient toll payment solutions for seamless driving on Serbian motorways. With our TAG-Serbia Onboard Unit (OBU), you can simplify toll payments, benefit from post-payment options, and receive consolidated invoices.

With the TAG-Serbia driving on the Serbian motorways has never been easier.

Select our dedicated On Board Unit (OBU) for Serbia and enjoy the following advantages:

  • Easy toll payments in Serbia
  • Post payment convenience
  • Single set of invoices for all tolls

TAG Serbia OBU

TAG-Serbia Box for your HGVs

  •  Pick up your configured TAG OBU at any border crossing.