
The optimal solution for Heavy goods vehicles passing through European toll networks

Published on 11.10.2021, by admin

Driving through Europe with a heavy goods vehicle requires passing through many toll gates and networks in many countries. This involves having up-to-date knowledge of the tolling systems, fees, providers and solutions available on the market. 

There are many charges to pay when traveling through the toll systems on national roads and motorways of different countries. The toll road market is currently changing due to many factors such as the growing number of toll operators in Europe, rising costs, changing traditional business models, toll calculation and payment methods, technological advancement, and legal frameworks trying to balance and facilitate existing and future toll systems. 


Every country has its toll system, which is very restrictive for this type of vehicle. Under these conditions, it’s challenging to find one single service for electronic payment of tolls throughout Europe, thus reducing the workload, cost, and waiting times for Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers & Transport Companies. 


However, whether you’re a truck driver, fleet manager, or transport company, there are solutions for facilitating your travels throughout major European routes. Easytrip Transport Services, a company with its roots in road transportation, has provided tailormade toll payment solutions for Heavy goods vehicles traveling through Europe for decades.

  1. Harmonization of technologies and interfaces: a European initiative and the rise of Mobility Packages
  2. The Tolling systems and technologies of the EU Member States
  3. Easytrip Transport Services: a tailormade solution for Heavy Goods Vehicles traveling throughout Europe
  4. A Focus on Interoperable Devices / Boxes/ OBU’s by Easytrip Transport Services: optimal onboard units for Heavy Goods Vehicles
  5. Combining Tolling with additional services for maximum fleet optimization

Harmonization of technologies and interfaces: a European initiative and the rise of Mobility Packages

All of the European countries have a tolling system. Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC, and the new Directive (EU) 2019/520 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems and facilitating cross-border exchange of information on the failure to pay road fees in the Union, aim to respond to this situation by easing passage through toll networks and thus motorway journeys between EU countries. The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) ensured interoperability of road toll systems in Europe.

The European Commission presented a series of initiatives in 2017 and 2018 to improve the efficiency of road transport in Europe and the social and operational conditions in which this activity is carried out. This body of legislation is known as the “Mobility Package.” It provides a series of measures to substantially modify the legal framework and the governance of road transport in Europe. A series of 3 packages were to be provided in which 2022 is the decisive year. 

  • Mobility Package 1 – The Mobility Package 1 proposal is mainly focused on the functioning of the road transport market, driver working conditions and road-charging in the European Union (EU).
  • Mobility Package 2 – Mobility Package 2 includes several legislative proposals to help fight climate change.
  • Mobility Package 3 – A final part of the European Commission’s Mobility Package, Mobility Package 3 addresses legislation for safe, clean, and connected mobility.

The Tolling systems and technologies of the EU Member States

Tolling technology varies widely across the EU. Most new member states plan to transition to electronic tolling soon from their low-cost, easy-to-implement toll systems. 

The different EU directives have had a minor impact on member states with long-established toll road systems financing their national motorways. There are four central HGV tolling systems in Europe: Vignettes, Free flow system, Open tolling system, and Closed tolling systems.


In countries such as France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, electronic tolling for heavy goods vehicles has been made cheaper by infrastructure already in place. Most European countries, marked in blue on the map, require vehicles to be equipped with an OBU (On-Board Unit), which calculates tax per kilometer based on various criteria: size, weight, number of axles, distance traveled, and the vehicle’s CO2 emissions.

In addition, depending on the country, this regulation is implemented differently via an eco-tax or a sticker; countries with such systems are marked green on the map. Albania, Greece, Ireland, Macedonia, and Serbia use standard tollbooth systems. In Finland, Bosnia, and Montenegro, tolls are free. In addition, several major European tunnels have their tolls: this is the case for the Liefkenshoek tunnel, the Mont Blanc tunnel, the Fréjus road tunnel, the Kiltunnel tunnel, and the Westerschedlet tunnel.

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Transport Services: a tailormade solution for Heavy Goods Vehicles traveling throughout Europe

Providing an optimal and consistent driving experience for drivers is the goal of every road service provider. That’s why Easytrip Transport Services, provides a wide range of services for Heavy Good Vehicles for European toll roads. Thanks to its different services, Easytrip Transport Services allows any transport company to optimise journeys in terms of time, logistics and costs. Easytrip Transport Services aims to have the widest toll domain coverage in Europe, be it in EU countries or non-EU countries.

Flexible and made-to-measure, the solutions of Easytrip Transport Services are designed to adapt to the situation and needs of each fleet manager, driver or transport company, with the aim of optimising costs and profitability. Thus, according to your needs, you can benefit from a variety of offers and devices in order to facilitate the circulation of your Heavy goods vehicles across Europe.

To contribute towards maximum cost reduction in terms of the use of HGVs and the transport of goods, Easytrip Transport Services guarantees recovery of VAT in 30 countries (EU and non-EU), as well as certain excise taxes. And you can also benefit from various fuel services and booking services (ferries, trains, tunnels).

Easytrip Transport Services also saves you money on logistics, by ensuring better control over your expenses, via a single set of invoices and an online customer space. By optimising the management of your vehicles, you save time and reduce the costs associated with logistics organisation.

Finally, Easytrip Transport Services cooperates with EETS (European Electronic Toll Service) certified suppliers and also with local providers, so as to provide the widest toll domain coverage and  guarantee optimal tailor-made service quality according to clients needs. Covering over 120,000 km of major European routes, Easytrip Transport Services is thus able to offer maximum discounts and benefits on partner motorway networks.

Interoperable SAT Box by Easytrip Transport Services: an optimal onboard unit for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Easytrip Transport Services, having 35 years of expertise in international transport and mobility services, offer a wide range of services for  HGV Transport companies. With strong partnerships with major providers in the transport industry and regional teams across Europe, we provide themost comprehensive portofilio offer on the market.

Our diverse portfolio of services contribute towards maximum cost reduction, choice and competitive pricing for transport companies in more than 30 countries throughout Europe and beyond. Our fleet management services include, toll payment, ferry train tunnel and secord parking bookings, VAT and Excise Refunds, Telematics, Posted Drivers support and Fuel cards.

Easytrip Transport Services aims to have the most comprehensive HGV service provider in Europe for transport companies whether in EU countries or non-EU countries.


A Focus on Interoperable Devices /  Boxes/ OBU’s by Easytrip Transport Services: optimal onboard units for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Since its introduction over the last five years, our Interoperable devices for fleets have been environmentally friendly, reusable, and EETS compliant. They use both DSRC and GNSS technology.

The interoperable onboard units have OTA (Over The Air) functionality, which we configure remotely for new countries, wherever you are. It is interchangeable between vehicles, and license plates and vehicle data can also be updated remotely. A fleet tracking and management system has also been added, saving you fuel consumption and time and reducing your carbon footprint along with logistics costs. 

The Onboard Units are available for up to 14 European toll networks in the following countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland (the A4 motorway, Katowice-Krakow section, and E-Toll National Scheme), Austria, Belgium (Viapass and Liefkenshoek tunnel), Germany, Scandinavia (including Norway Ferries, Oresund, Storebaelt and Fjordforbindelsen Fredrikssund Bridges), Bulgaria and the recent addition of Hungarian toll domain.

With just one OBU you can pay tolls in over 14 countries across Europe, giving you the most comprehensive toll coverage available on the market. Not only do you gain access to tolling services with our interoperable devices, but you also gain access to our portfolio of services such as secure parking payment, ferry train and tunnel bookings, bridge access, fuel cards, posting of drivers and telematics.


Combine Tolling with additional services for maximum fleet optimization

While driving through toll networks in Europe benefit our complimentary services to get competitive price, quality and choice through our broad range of fleet management services while being more productive, profitable and efficient as possible.

While travelling though different countries, you will encounter Tunnels, bridges and waterways.

You can easily make bookings through our online Quotation and Booking platform to go intermodal on Ferries, Trains and Tunnels in over 700 routes. Make use our payment solutions to drive through Tunnels such as the Montblanc and Frejus tunnels, Liefkenshoek tunnel, Kiltunnel and Westerschedlet tunnels and the

The Bridges and Ferries already included in your Interoperable devices are:

  • Scandinavian bridges of Oresund, Storebaelt and Fjordforbindelsen Fredrikssund.
  • Norway Ferries and Italy Ferry connections – route Villa San Giovanni – Messina and Vv through your Interoperable device.

Recover expenses and minimize costs with our VAT and Fuel Services

  • Recover your cost with VAT Refunds (in 30 countries, Eu and non Eu) and Excise duty in 7 countries.
  • Fuel cards offering access to over 35,000 stations with fuel discounts and toll payment options in Europe.

Be compliant with the latest road transport laws and avoid fines while taking your fleet performance to the next level using our Telematics and Posted Drivers Services.

Take your performance to the next level using Telematics. Tailor-made telematics solutions to harness your fleet data and maximize profitability.

  • Telematics solutions (inbuilt into our interoperable obu’s) with fleet tracking and monitoring of distance and fuel usage allowing reduction in fuel consumption, time, cost and improving carbon footprint. 
  • Posted Drivers Services to comply with the new European Mobility Package. Use our sat boxes by recording tachograph reports and journey records to avoid fines when stopped by road authorities.

Take a rest in one of many Secure Parking sites throughout Europe, put your mind at peace and feel refreshed for the next drive

  • Secure parking sites throughout Europe for your drivers and trucks.
  • Available already in your interoperable devices are the selected parking areas of Spain and Portugal, approved and guarded car parks located along the main motorways in France and the HGV parking area in Sadobre, Vipento of Italy.

No matter where you travel, you get the maximum discounts from road operators of toll systems along with our unparalleled solutions, service, and support to ensure your day-to-day trips are smooth and cost efficient. 

Focus on your business while we take care of everything else.

For more information about the Interoperable SAT Box by Easytrip Transport Services fill the below form, our expert will contact you shortly!

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