
Eurovignette Updates for 2025: Key Changes in Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden

Published on 11.25.2024, by Milena Szczesna

As we approach 2025, there are important updates regarding the Eurovignette toll system in Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden. These changes will impact toll rates, payment systems, and available durations for toll stickers. Here’s everything you need to know to stay up to date.

Key Changes to the Eurovignette in 2025

1. Denmark’s Shift to a New Road Tax System

Beginning January 1, 2025, Denmark will replace the Eurovignette with a kilometre-based road tax system for heavy vehicles. This new system will charge tolls based on the number of kilometres driven, a shift away from the fixed-rate Eurovignette. From the beginning of the 2025, the Eurovignette will no longer be required in Denmark. Operators will need to transition to the new kilometre-based tax, which can be paid using interoperable Telepass SAT devices.

2. Eurovignette Remains in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden

While Denmark transitions to a new toll system, the Eurovignette will continue to be mandatory for heavy vehicles in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Starting January 1, 2025, there will be a 1.9% increase in toll rates across these countries. This increase is in line with regular inflation adjustments and helps support infrastructure maintenance and development.

3. Duration Options for Eurovignettes

For the period between January 1 and March 24, 2025, road users in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden will have the option to purchase Eurovignettes for various durations, ranging from a single day up. However, annual Eurovignettes will not be available during this period, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

What This Means for You

If you operate in Denmark, you’ll need to transition to the new kilometre-based road tax system starting in January 2025. Be sure your devices are compatible with this new system. In Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Sweden, businesses should adjust their systems to reflect the upcoming tariff increase and the change in Eurovignette durations.

Stay Informed

As more information becomes available, we’ll continue to update our blog with further details on Eurovignette changes. Make sure to check back regularly for the latest updates and ensure your systems are prepared for these upcoming adjustments.

Curious to learn more about the Eurovignette? Explore our complete guide to the Eurovignette system.

For any questions or further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you navigate these changes smoothly.

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