Get to know us

Your Expert in International Transport and Mobility Services

Get to know us

Your Expert in International Transport and Mobility Services

Who is Easytrip Transport Services?

We are an independent provider of mobility services to the road haulage industry throughout Europe.

For more than 35 years, we’ve been providing innovative and proven expertise in
delivering comprehensive mobility services for hauliers across Europe.


Focus on your business, Easytrip Transport Services handles the rest!

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Our vision?

Being the largest aggregator of interconnected road mobility services in Europe and beyond.

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Our mission?

Delivering predictable and accurate costs for our customers‘ transport needs as a one-stop-shop service provider.

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Our ultimate goal?

Supporting your business with tailor-made solutions that simplify fleet management and improve your overall profitability.

Our Journey, Our Story

Capitalizing and leveraging on Egis’ 90 years of expertise in Road Transport infrastructure’s operation and maintenance, the Easytrip entities have been created to meet the new challenges of all road users.


Creation of Easytrip Ireland




Easytrip was created in Ireland, targeting private motorist and business fleets.
This joint venture between Egis and Electro Automation, was developed to fulfill new needs in the field of road mobility services: interoperable tolling, car park and car wash mobile payment solutions and roadside services. Easytrip Ireland  also manages the Disability Toll Exemption Scheme (DTES) on behalf of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).


Heading Asia with Easytrip Philippines


Egis partnered with Metro Pacific, an infrastructure company in the Philippines, to open a local office, targeting individual and commercial users of motorways, introducing a new range of services: electronic Toll payment via tag, dematerialized payment facilities solutions with road merchants and via mobile applications.


Focus on professional fleets with Easytrip Transport Services

In 2011, Egis set out to provide fleet management services and expertise to meet the needs of B2B clients managing fleets of all types of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), Buses, light goods vehicles (LGVs) and light vehicles (LVs).


2 Dutch Transport Services providers – Transpass, established in 1988, JW Versluis NV, established in 1992 – were acquired in 2011 and 2016 respectively. England TIR, for its part, established in Italy in 1982, was acquired in 2013.
Collectively, these three companies became the Easytrip Transport Services, adding decades of B2B expertise in Toll solutions, VAT and Excises refunds, and intermodal reservation expertise to our portfolio, later enhanced with Telematic, Fuel cards, and Parking reservations offerings.


Heading Latin America with Easytrip Mexico

Fast forward to 2022 when Egis has partnered with ICA, a leader in infrastructure in Mexico, to open a new regional B2C Easytrip entity in Mexico. The North American office is forging a new path in supporting road users throughout the region.


Our latest BtoB acquisition enriching the Easytrip Transport Services offer, NEBU Transport Services, confirms our commitment to continue our steady business growth through a combination of organic growth and acquisitions.


360 Payment Solutions S.p.A has successfully acquired Easytrip Transport Services from Egis Group, marking a new and promising chapter for both organizations.

This strategic move reinforces our commitment to enhancing transportation services and innovation in the industry. Easytrip Transport Services, a reputable name in the field, will now be a valuable addition to 360 PAY family.

This acquisition will pave the way for synergies, increased efficiency, and even greater offerings for our clients and partners. As we integrate the strengths and expertise of both teams, we look forward to unlocking new opportunities and providing enhanced solutions on the market.

truck-shaped lake in the midst of nature

Environmental Responsibility
Doing Our Part to Promote Sustainability

Global warming. Carbon foot print. CO2 emissions.
We’ve all heard these buzzwords in the news.
But oftentimes, these grand concepts can feel far-removed from everyday life.
That’s why we are committed to supporting green initiatives in both our portfolio and our internal corporate policies.

We want to give you choices that can have a positive impact on both the environment and your bottom line. Options such as ferry and rail bookings help promote intermodal transport and reduce the total CO2 emissions of shipping goods throughout Europe.
Alternative fuels, like LNG, can be covered with our fuel services.

Adding telematics to your fleet can improve vehicle utilization, reduce fuel consumption, and help you find the best direct routes when planning a journey.

We’re excited to be working toward a brighter, cleaner future that will benefit our interconnected world andensure greater prosperity for future generations.