Simplify your travels with Toll4Europe and Telepass OBUs now including Slovakian and Slovenian toll networks!
Exciting news from our Toll providers! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of new routes available on our toll boxes.
- Telepass K1 & Toll4Europe OBUs now include access to the Slovakian toll network.
- Telepass K1 OBUs (soon available on Arianna II) grant access to the Slovenian toll network.
These additions cater to vehicles over 3.5t (N2, N3) and buses (M2, M3), offering a seamless travel experience.
Drive through the most important Slovakian routes with Toll4Europe and Telepass Device:
- 660 Km Motorways and expressways
- 3.630 Km First Class roads
- 3.640 Km Second Class roads
- 9.840 Km Thirs Class roads
Unlock Savings: Benefit from Discounts on this network!
With our expanded route networks through Toll4Europe and Telepass OBUs, you can now enjoy more than just convenience – you can also unlock exclusive discounts!
The discount is a percentage deduction from the prevailing tariff, commencing after driving 5,000 kilometers within the calendar year. This calculation initiates on January 1st annually and is applied to each vehicle individually, based on its respective kilometers traveled. Discounts are not cumulative across multiple vehicles owned by the same company.
Travel effortless on Slovenian’s Main Roads with Telepass K1 SAT box:
Telepass K1 Toll devices allow payments in the Slovenian Motorways network managed by DARS, covering a distance of 624.9 Km.
Soon the Slovenian and Slovakian toll routes will be implemented on Arianna II devices too.