
How VAT & Excise Duty Refunds Can Boost Your Transport Business

Published on 07.09.2024, by Isabelle Gacha

Easytrip Transport Services offers comprehensive VAT refund services that can significantly reduce operational costs for transport companies. Here’s how:

VAT Refund Services

Easytrip supports VAT refunds for various business scenarios:

  • EU to EU
  • non-EU to EU
  • EU to non-EU

With a 99% acceptance rate and support in the customer’s native language, Easytrip simplifies the refund process. Thanks to our wide network of local fiscal representatives to handle VAT registrations, periodic VAT returns, and audits from tax authorities, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Expenses Covered

Easytrip assists in recovering VAT on a wide range of expenditures, including:

  • Fuel
  • Road tolls and charges
  • Hiring transport
  • Travel expenses (taxi, public transport)
  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverages
  • Admission fees to fairs and exhibitions

Compliance and Support in international VAT reclaim

Easytrip’s expertise ensures that businesses navigate the complex and bureaucratic process of VAT recovery efficiently. Our membership in the International VAT Association (IVA) underscores our commitment to providing reliable and knowledgeable support.

Country-Specific Regulations

Easytrip caters to both EU and non-EU businesses, acknowledging that requirements and processes vary by country. We offer services in several non-EU countries like Norway, Switzerland, the UK, Serbia, Macedonia, and Iceland, adapting to national excise rates and regulations.

Your advantages at glance

Easytrip Transport Services’ VAT refund services help transport companies reduce costs, improve cash flow, and ensure compliance with complex tax regulations. By leveraging our extensive network and expertise, businesses can efficiently reclaim VAT, reinvest savings, and focus on growth and development.

Are you refueling vehicles weighing over 7.5 tons abroad? Alongside recovering VAT, you also have the chance to reclaim excise duty, which offers substantial benefits. For example, in Belgium, you can currently get a reimbursement of €0.1935 per liter of diesel purchased.

Start getting money back on every liter of diesel you buy!

Ready to claim your VAT and Excise refund? Fill the below form, our VAT expert will contact you shortly:

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